Job Opportunities
Diverse backgrounds of QIIR staff bring about the collision of ideas and inspiration. We are committed to independent, high-quality and innovative researches, which is aimed at providing intellectual support and consulting services for the authorities and enterprises in Qianhai.
QIIR Trainee Program
QIIR Trainee Program is an intern program for full time students or graduates (Bachelors, Masters and PhDs) in ‘985/211’ universities in China or overseas universities. It offers two fields to choose from: Research and General Management. Students who join will be Research Trainee or Management Trainee respectively.
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QIIR Youth Impact
QIIR Youth Impact proposes to encourage young people to participate in academic activities and voluntary work, while maintaining a positive mentality and enhancing professional qualities. The program will also offer a series of training courses covering philanthropic philosophy, vocational skills and academic capabilities to dom...