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Job Opportunities

Diverse backgrounds of QIIR staff bring about the collision of ideas and inspiration. We are committed to independent, high-quality and innovative researches, which is aimed at providing intellectual support and consulting services for the authorities and enterprises in Qianhai.


  • QIIR Trainee Program

    QIIR Trainee Program is an intern program for full time students or graduates (Bachelors, Masters and PhDs) in ‘985/211’ universities in China or overseas universities. It offers two fields to choose from: Research and General Management. Students who join will be Research Trainee or Management Trainee respectively.

  • QIIR Youth Impact

    QIIR Youth Impact proposes to encourage young people to participate in academic activities and voluntary work, while maintaining a positive mentality and enhancing professional qualities. The program will also offer a series of training courses covering philanthropic philosophy, vocational skills and academic capabilities to dom...

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