Professor Chen Kwan-yiu Edward
A leading economist in the region.
A leading economist in the region.
Curriculum vitae
Professor Chen is also Chairman of HKU SPACE, Distinguished Institute Fellow and Honorary Professor of the University of Hong Kong, Chairman of the Advisory Council of Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research, and independent non-executive director of First Pacific Company, Delta Asia Financial Group, and Wharf Holdings. He is the former President of Lingnan University of Hong Kong, former Member of the Executive Council and the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, former Chairman of the Hong Kong Consumer Council, and former Chairman of the Hong Kong Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation. He was also the founding Chairman of the Hong Kong Press Council and founding Chairman of the Veterinary Surgeons Board. He was also a member of the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission and board member of the Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway Corporation. He served the Time Magazine Board of Economists and conducted lectures in the United States as a Distinguished Fulbright Scholar. He has also held visiting appointments at Yale, Oxford and UC (Davis), and is honorary professor of several universities in Mainland.
Professor Chen’s research interests focus on Asian economic development. He pioneered the studies on newly industrialized economies, publishing his book Hyper-Growth in Asian Economies: A Comparative Study of Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Singapore and Taiwan (Macmillan 1979). His other publications include Multinational Corporations, Technology and Employment (Macmillan 1983), The New Multinationals (John Wiley 1983), Transnational Corporation and Technology Transfer in Developing Countries (Routledge 1994), and Asia’s Borderless Economy (Allen and Unwin 1997), and over 100 articles in international academic journals and books.
Professor Chen was educated at the University of Hong Kong (B.A and M.Soc.Sc) and Oxford University (D.Phil). He is a Justice of the Peace and was awarded CBE by the British Hong Kong Government and GBS by the Hong Kong SAR Government. He was awarded Hon D Soc Sc by the University of Hong Kong and Hon D Litt by the Open University of Hong Kong. He was also awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Education by Plymouth University in England.