The QIIR has established a Visiting Research Fellow Program (VFP) for engaging domestic and international experts to undertake research at the Institute. Applications for Visit Research Fellow Program are accepted on an ongoing basis and considered by the Selection Committee of the Institute once every quarter. Visitors are classified into Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Research Fellow (RF) based on the decision of the Selection Committee with the main consideration of scholars' academic status and experience. The normal period of residence of Research Fellows at the Institute are one to four months. Research Fellows are expected to undertake research in line with the objectives of the Institute. Currently, the Institute is most interested in
Applicants are expected to hold a doctoral degree in the relevant subjects and have a good publication record in international refereed journals. Each research fellow has to produce a research paper within six months after the visiting period, and give a public lecture or seminar at the Institute or during the event hosted by the Institute. The research paper would be included in the Institute's Working Paper Series and could later be used for publication in academic journals with due acknowledgement to the Institute.